Spresent allows you to create professional looking presentation using advanced vector graphics animation and web publishing technology this is my small attempt, at the moment you are limited by what they offer, it says you can import your own PowerPoint file but I found that at the moment the tab is not highlighted its still in the Beta stage I think, even so I had fun.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Time for a change, out with the old in with the new
I think I have gone widget mad, but hey I like them and it amuses me.
Today I have taken out the Sudoku game and my crazy art box widget I sure I will bring them back again. For now I have replaced them with Cinco – A simple but tricky game to pass the time also Memory Game, where you can test your memory with this fun and simple game. It is also where I found the clock, why I need a clock on my blog I have no idea, I guess it just my fondness for widgets, I may get over it one day, all these I found at Labpixies.
ps Random books from my library has also gone for now.
Today I have taken out the Sudoku game and my crazy art box widget I sure I will bring them back again. For now I have replaced them with Cinco – A simple but tricky game to pass the time also Memory Game, where you can test your memory with this fun and simple game. It is also where I found the clock, why I need a clock on my blog I have no idea, I guess it just my fondness for widgets, I may get over it one day, all these I found at Labpixies.
ps Random books from my library has also gone for now.
Monday, April 23, 2007
23 things + Web 2.0
Number 13.
Learn about tagging and discover Del.ico.us (a social bookmaking site)
I have just been over to del.icio.us and started adding my bookmarks I use when blogging, I have many more to add but it's late and I need to get up earlier to take my daughter to the station in the morning, I will be adding more bookmarks later, but at least I have started number 13. If you like you can check them out at http://del.icio.us/boneygirl
Learn about tagging and discover Del.ico.us (a social bookmaking site)
I have just been over to del.icio.us and started adding my bookmarks I use when blogging, I have many more to add but it's late and I need to get up earlier to take my daughter to the station in the morning, I will be adding more bookmarks later, but at least I have started number 13. If you like you can check them out at http://del.icio.us/boneygirl
Friday, April 20, 2007
My new widget (guess you realized I like widgets) is from PictureTrail you can create your own photo flicks in the form a slide show there are many choices in the slideshow layout, I think it is a great and easy way to show off your pictures. I have added a few slides from my holiday in Warrnambool and my artwork produced through Scribbler
23 things + Web 2.0
Number 10.
Play around with some image generators and find one that you like.
I have played and my results are below, I created a picture using Modern Art Generator I liked this one because you could use your imagination and you had control of the outcome.
The next ones were a bit more restrictive. I created my own money with Dollar Bill Generator adding a bit of Australia to the dollar bill. My last one is a Web 2.0 logo using Web 2.o Logo Generator

Play around with some image generators and find one that you like.
I have played and my results are below, I created a picture using Modern Art Generator I liked this one because you could use your imagination and you had control of the outcome.
The next ones were a bit more restrictive. I created my own money with Dollar Bill Generator adding a bit of Australia to the dollar bill. My last one is a Web 2.0 logo using Web 2.o Logo Generator

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
At it again
My map has changed this one is more interactive, I came across it when I checking out my friends in Ning. I used Frappr! this map is called Visitor Map, hit counter again very easy to add to blog. I hope I get some hits.
Blogger vs. WordPress
Back in March, I attended a workshop on blogging. I had heard about this and of course had come across them while surfing the net. I went to the workshop because I like to learn new things, you could say I am a learn-a-holic (new word created? Perhaps, I will have to check with my mentor). Anyway as I was saying, I went to learn but wasn’t sure if this is what I would get into.
The presenter was very informative. Her explanations of how things work were easy to follow. We were shown how the presenter’s blog (using WordPress) looked and also shown other alternative sites that one can use to create a blog. One of these was Blogger.com by the end of the night, I was all set to go home and start blogging - that’s the way I get when I really enjoy a presentation, I just can’t wait to start.
And of course I created a blog using WordPress - there is only one post there so I am not going to give the address. I investigated every inch of that site, tried a few things and lost interest.
A few days later I decided to try Blogger. I found that there was more to offer here. At the start I had only posted a few comments and as I became more involved in RSS feeds, joined Web 2.0, I found that other people have been able to add different elements to their blogs and this became a challenge for me.Widgets (third party item that can be embedded in a web page), using HTML/Java scripts, game widgets, clouds widgets, interactive widgets - I love these things - as you can see by this blog I became very enthused by widgets.
I went back to WordPress to see if widgets could be entered on my blog but they are very restrictive in their page elements. I did manage to get a map of Australia added to my blog, whereas at Blogger.com you can add as many HTML/Java scripts types of page elements as you like and they have more interesting options in their other page elements.
I guess it all comes down to personal preferences. If you want fun stuff use Blogger.com, if you are into just a simple blog for writing posts, adding links to other sites etc, WordPress might be for you. I’m no expert, just a simple blogger or maybe WordPress is just too high tech for me.
Back in March, I attended a workshop on blogging. I had heard about this and of course had come across them while surfing the net. I went to the workshop because I like to learn new things, you could say I am a learn-a-holic (new word created? Perhaps, I will have to check with my mentor). Anyway as I was saying, I went to learn but wasn’t sure if this is what I would get into.
The presenter was very informative. Her explanations of how things work were easy to follow. We were shown how the presenter’s blog (using WordPress) looked and also shown other alternative sites that one can use to create a blog. One of these was Blogger.com by the end of the night, I was all set to go home and start blogging - that’s the way I get when I really enjoy a presentation, I just can’t wait to start.
And of course I created a blog using WordPress - there is only one post there so I am not going to give the address. I investigated every inch of that site, tried a few things and lost interest.
A few days later I decided to try Blogger. I found that there was more to offer here. At the start I had only posted a few comments and as I became more involved in RSS feeds, joined Web 2.0, I found that other people have been able to add different elements to their blogs and this became a challenge for me.Widgets (third party item that can be embedded in a web page), using HTML/Java scripts, game widgets, clouds widgets, interactive widgets - I love these things - as you can see by this blog I became very enthused by widgets.
I went back to WordPress to see if widgets could be entered on my blog but they are very restrictive in their page elements. I did manage to get a map of Australia added to my blog, whereas at Blogger.com you can add as many HTML/Java scripts types of page elements as you like and they have more interesting options in their other page elements.
I guess it all comes down to personal preferences. If you want fun stuff use Blogger.com, if you are into just a simple blog for writing posts, adding links to other sites etc, WordPress might be for you. I’m no expert, just a simple blogger or maybe WordPress is just too high tech for me.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
ZoomClouds has been taken out, when my page was loading a message came up saying that there was an error on the page, to find out what was causing this error I had to remove then re install each widget one at a time and re-load my page each time to work out which one was causing the error.
ZoomClouds is only for internal tagging of what is written within posts, when you click on a tag a new window opens with the post, I suppose is would be good for someone who has written a lot of posts but me I rather not have an error on my page when it loads.
But then again I was playing around with it so maybe I did something to it, I will revisit ZoomClouds again another day to work on it.
ZoomClouds is only for internal tagging of what is written within posts, when you click on a tag a new window opens with the post, I suppose is would be good for someone who has written a lot of posts but me I rather not have an error on my page when it loads.
But then again I was playing around with it so maybe I did something to it, I will revisit ZoomClouds again another day to work on it.
Friday, April 6, 2007
It’s been a few days, no new toys today.
Today was supposed to be a day of rest being that its Good Friday, sleeping in, not doing much all day but I wasn’t so lucky, today was the day my daughter decided it was time to clean out the kitchen cupboards. There was a purpose behind her decision, she will be moving out in a month and is looking for things she could take rather than have to buy.
The amount of stuff one collects and forgets about over the years is amazing, I’m the type of person who uses the same thing over and over again not bothering with anything new which I might have been given or bought because I thought it was nice.
She (my daughter) kept saying ‘mum why you don’t throw out these old things and start using the new stuff’ my reply was ‘why’.
I have a brown dinner set (she absolutely hates it) which was a wedding present (32 years ago) it’s the first one I started using (I had received two sets as presents) and as far as I’m concerned there is nothing wrong with it. In the old days when dinner parties were happening I bought the other set out only because it catered for more people.
Did anyone ever keep the vegemite glass/jars, you know when you finished the vegemite you cleaned it out and used it as a glass, they don’t make them like that nowadays. To get back to my point I seemed to have accumulated a lot of these, stupid me suggested perhaps she would like to use them, well, the look was enough and they were thrown out.
She especially liked my baking wares most of that went into her box of goodies, that’s good because she can now bake for me.
I will have to say she ended up with quite a few things, saucepans, glasses (not vegemite ones) mugs and a couple of fancy serving plates, but wouldn’t take the three tiered one though, I guess I will have to find another home for that.
I have a box of cutlery again only used for dinner parties, I wonder how long before that gets raided?
I may not have had my day of rest but my cupboards now look tidy. Maybe I can find new stuff to fill them, perhaps not.
Today was supposed to be a day of rest being that its Good Friday, sleeping in, not doing much all day but I wasn’t so lucky, today was the day my daughter decided it was time to clean out the kitchen cupboards. There was a purpose behind her decision, she will be moving out in a month and is looking for things she could take rather than have to buy.
The amount of stuff one collects and forgets about over the years is amazing, I’m the type of person who uses the same thing over and over again not bothering with anything new which I might have been given or bought because I thought it was nice.
She (my daughter) kept saying ‘mum why you don’t throw out these old things and start using the new stuff’ my reply was ‘why’.
I have a brown dinner set (she absolutely hates it) which was a wedding present (32 years ago) it’s the first one I started using (I had received two sets as presents) and as far as I’m concerned there is nothing wrong with it. In the old days when dinner parties were happening I bought the other set out only because it catered for more people.
Did anyone ever keep the vegemite glass/jars, you know when you finished the vegemite you cleaned it out and used it as a glass, they don’t make them like that nowadays. To get back to my point I seemed to have accumulated a lot of these, stupid me suggested perhaps she would like to use them, well, the look was enough and they were thrown out.
She especially liked my baking wares most of that went into her box of goodies, that’s good because she can now bake for me.
I will have to say she ended up with quite a few things, saucepans, glasses (not vegemite ones) mugs and a couple of fancy serving plates, but wouldn’t take the three tiered one though, I guess I will have to find another home for that.
I have a box of cutlery again only used for dinner parties, I wonder how long before that gets raided?
I may not have had my day of rest but my cupboards now look tidy. Maybe I can find new stuff to fill them, perhaps not.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Fun stuff
I told you I like playing with things, at this rate I'm going to have my blog filled with things rather than words. The latest one is from http://www.widgetbox.com/ on this site you have many choices as to what you want in your widget. You can have games, pictures, feeds etc. the choice is yours. I liked the fish tank, I have a feeling I picked this one because I will be gazing into it a lot when I am trying to think of something to say, also there is a game to play if any one is interested, I know a lot of people like Sudoku unfortunately I am not very good at it.
I haven't only been playing, I read all my feeds through Google Reader, I been over to Library 2.0 aka Ning, greeted new friends, a few Aussies one Englander and a couple of Americans. Also been over to Crimespace (also part of Ning) this is a great place especially if you are into crime novels, I meet new friends there as well, I learnt of three new books which my local library does not have (guess who will be requesting them). Made a friend with an author of a book which the library has, it’s a bit surreal talking to someone who lives on the other side of the world and knowing when I read his book I can, in a small way, call him my friend.
Thats it for now off to bed work tomorrow
I haven't only been playing, I read all my feeds through Google Reader, I been over to Library 2.0 aka Ning, greeted new friends, a few Aussies one Englander and a couple of Americans. Also been over to Crimespace (also part of Ning) this is a great place especially if you are into crime novels, I meet new friends there as well, I learnt of three new books which my local library does not have (guess who will be requesting them). Made a friend with an author of a book which the library has, it’s a bit surreal talking to someone who lives on the other side of the world and knowing when I read his book I can, in a small way, call him my friend.
Thats it for now off to bed work tomorrow
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