Friday, August 3, 2007

The journey continues - Thing 24

My learning continues and probably continue till when ever. I've moved on to Learning 2.1, I'm inspired by Learning 2.1 and am looking forward to trying all things suggested perhaps I will find something new but I doubt it.

Thing 23 - file conversations - Zamzar covers conversation for documents, image, music and video formats. I tried the conversion of a PDF (portable document format) to a word documents the formatting was exactly the same the I did the opposite with great results. For anyone who does not have a certain program on the computer they might find the website an advantage for example after creating a word document and wanting to share it with others who may not have e the same version of word can change their document into a PDF file. Another good point is for say Public Libraries who don't always every program available on their computers may be able to help their patrons who want to print the document and the library does not have the correct program. My library have come across this problem, we have tried the free online PDF conversion but it does not accept all types of file extensions like Zamzar.

I used Zamzar to convert a video file into an extension that I could used on my computer and was very happy with the results. I say give it a go.

Talking about file extensions, have you ever been asked (by a patron (library) ) can you please print out my document, you load up the file and it won't open, you look at the extension and think what kind of file it that. I come across this problem many times the latest was .docx this is the extension used by Microsoft Word 2007 I know that now but then I didn't and had to send the patron away to re save it in a different format. My point to all this rambling is suggest this website FILEXT-the file extension source. Some of the extension listed I've never heard of it may not be new find but it's something I found and wanted to post about it.

Enough for now until Thing 25.

1 comment:

Michal said...

Hi, many interesting informations about file extensions and file formats are at Michal